See What the Talmud and Cabala Really Teach and How much they Hate anyone not like them!

I’ve been falsely accused of being many things including a Zionist because I won’t “expose the Jews” on every single video or blog post. The Zionists (they’re not real Jews, or Judeans) are using prophecy and scripture to manipulate the worlds population into accepting them as your ultimate rulers with the Antichrist at its head. This “conspiracy” has been planned out over the centuries culminating into what we’re witnessing in the world today.

So here you go, if you really want to know how the Jews feel about you and Jesus Christ then this video and post are for you. I know the teacher in the video is 7th day Adventist but I don’t care, his information on the Jews, Talmud and the Cabala are dead on and that’s why I’m presenting the video. I don’t follow their beliefs in Ellen G White and so on but they are very well informed about these subjects.

All of the material below (minus my commentary and the video) was from Johnny

Template for Covid Communism is Judaism

Jews were the first victims of Judaism. Now, through Freemasonry, humanity is.

“Live and let live”  is my credo. So I wonder what compels some people to want to despoil others.

The answer in this case is Cabalist Judaism which is based on robbing and enslaving the goyim and any Jew who fails to comply.


The Jewish Talmud consists of hundreds of laws governing the minute details of daily living.

See the COVID protocols in this light. We’re told where we can go, where to stand, what we can do, and who we can see. The mask signifies obedience.

People who fail to comply are infidels who must be quarantined and ostracized. 

Get it? We have been inducted into Judaism, except in another form.  Judaism is a Satanic cult — Communism.

A satanic cult is about control. It exploits its members by corrupting and making them sick.

The mask symbolizes this new version of an ancient occult dogma. The hand sanitizer ritual signifies obedience. 

In his book,  Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of 3000 Years Israel Shahak explained that Judaism fostered  a “closed society… one of the most totalitarian societies in the whole history of mankind.” 

The coercion anti-vaxers experience is comparable to what Jews have felt for centuries from their own rabbis and communities. 

“Jewish women who cohabited with Gentiles had their noses cut off by rabbis…In religious disputes, those considered heretics had their tongues cut out.” 

Communists are not interested in winning adherents based on its merits. Their god is Satan. Communists are concerned only with obedience/observance.

That’s why they control information and discourse. 
“Some may call it Communism, but I call it what it is: Judaism.” Rabbi Stephen Weiss.

“Anti-Communism is Antisemitism.” Jewish Voice, July – August 1941.

See and hear for yourselves in the video below what the Talmud and the “Jews” (yet they are not semetic at all) have to say about Jesus Christ and what they really think about Christians and/or “Goyim” or non Jews who they consider animals. The Jews currently in Israel DO NOT FOLLOW THE OLD TESTAMENT! Johnny

from Nov. 6, 2020by Henry Makow Ph.D.
Where does the drive to control and exploit others originate? 

shahak-cover.jpgIsrael Shahak’s book,  Jewish History, Jewish Religion (1986) provides the answer.  From the second century until roughly the eighteenth, Jews were under the heel of their rabbis and wealthy leaders.They werea “closed society… one of the most totalitarian societies in the whole history of mankind.” (14-15)

This is the template behind the NWO; only now everyone, not just Jews is being enslaved. 

Since the late Roman Empire, Judaism was enforced by physical coercion. Rabbinical Courts ordered fines, flogging, imprisonment, and even death for Jews breaking any of the hundreds of laws governing every aspect of daily life.  
“Jewish women who cohabited with Gentiles had their noses cut off by rabbis…In religious disputes, those considered heretics had their tongues cut out.”

The rabbis and rich Jews were in alliance with the Gentile aristocracy who enforced this tyranny and shared in the spoils. They were aligned against poor Jews and peasants alike. The rich Jews always flourished in oppressive feudal regimes because, as bureaucrats, bailiffs and tax farmers,  they “mediated the oppression” of the peasants.  

According to Shahak, classical Judaism is inspired by the image of Sparta as it appears in Plato’s Laws 942. 
Judaism adopted the objectives Plato described in the following passage. (Shahak, p.13)

The principal thing is that no one, man or woman, should ever be without an officer set over him, and that no one should get the mental habit of taking any step, whether in earnest or in jest, on his individual responsibility. In peace as in war, he must always live with his eyes on his superior officer…In a word, we must train the mind to not even consider acting as an individual or know how to do it. 

israel_shahak1.jpg(left, Israel Shahak, 1933-2001)

Shahak says the words “rabbi” and “officer” are interchangeable.  In Communism, the sons of rabbis built a new worldly religion that mirrored the fanaticism and oppression of classical Judaism. 

After visiting Bolshevik Russia in 1920, Bertrand Russell wrote to Lady Ottoline Morrell: “Bolshevism is a closed tyrannical bureaucracy, with a spy system more elaborate and terrible than the Tsar’s, and an aristocracy as insolent and unfeeling, composed of Americanized Jews. No vestige of liberty remains, in thought or speech or action.” (The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, paperback ed. 354) 
Shahak says Israel too is a “closed society” frankly dedicated to Jewish supremacy and hatred of non-Jews. Jewish culture evinces little honest self-examination lest Judaism’s true malevolent character be exposed.  Shahak writes:

“Classical Judaism had little interest in describing or explaining itself to its own members … The first book on Jewish history proper (dealing with ancient history) was promptly banned and repressed by the highest rabbinical authorities… As a consequence, 200 years ago, the vast majority of Jews were totally in the dark about … Jewish history and Jewry’s contemporary state; and they were quite content to remain so….Jewish studies are polemics against an external enemy rather than an internal debate…When a whole society tries to return to totalitarianism, a totalitarian history is written.” (p. 20-22) shut-up-obey.jpgSimilarly, the West is returning to this Jewish model of totalitarianism. Mainstream discourse is tightly controlled. Pundits who stray from the party line are fired or forced to atone. We have become Jews under the yoke of Judaism (i.e. Communism.)

 Illuminati insider Christian Rakowski said the illuminati bankers created the Communist state as a “machine of total power” unprecedented in history.

In the past, due to many factors, “there was always room for individual freedom. Do you understand that those who already partially rule over nations and worldly governments have pretensions to absolute domination? Understand that this is the only thing which they have not yet reached.”
Judaism is concerned with meaningless observances and legalities rather than morality or faith. The Talmud regulates “every aspect of Jewish life, both individual and social…with sanctions and punishments provided for every conceivable …infringement of the rules.” (Shahak, p. 40)  

 Far from being monotheistic, the Old Testament implies the existence of many Gods, and the Jewish Cabala includes many prayers and duties designed to propitiate Satan. Other reasons for saying the Cabala is satanic are found here and also here.
Communism is devoted to concentrating all wealth and power in the hands of the central banking cartel (the Rothschilds and their allies) by disguising it as State power.

The central banking cartel is the ultimate monopoly. It has an almost global monopoly over government credit. Its goal is to translate this into a monopoly over everything — political, cultural, economic and spiritual. One world government = Rothschild monopoly = Communism. Communism is really monopoly capitalism. The Illuminati own orcontrol everything.


Unknown to most Jews and Gentiles, Judaism is not the Old Testament religion people think it is. Every satanic cult has a cover. Like its manifestations — Communism, Zionism and Freemasonry– it is based on the Talmud and Cabala, which seek to supplant God and redefine reality. The Cabala reinterprets and contradicts the Old Testament.  Only the “initiates” are privy to this secret. 

stupid-goy12.jpgAs banker Otto Kahn put it, the Jewish leadership plot to become God and “remake the world.”   “We shall purify the idea [of God] by identifying it with the nation of Israel, which has become its own Messiah. The advent of it will be facilitated by the final triumph of Israel… ” 
The New World Order is about inducting humanity into Cabala Judaism, which is Satanism disguised as “secularism.” Here are ten examples of this satanic possession. A satanic cult is the template governing change. It is the explanation for the invasion of privacy by the NSA, and the creation of a false reality which includes staged “massacres” aimed at disarming the people. 
Organized Jewry is a Trojan Horse for this agenda, but thanks to Freemasonry, most other governments, religions and organizations have also been subverted. Anti Semitism is a red herring designed to deflect blame from the Illuminati bankers and high ranking Freemason onto innocent Jews. Most everyone today is duped, manipulated and compromised.
For most of their history, Jews were held in mental and physical bondage by Judaism. The NWO is a recrudescence of this satanic feudal tyranny not only for Jews but for humanity as a whole. 
In Shahak’s words: 

 “Israel and Zionism are a throw-back to the role of classical Judaism, writ large on a global scale…The road to genuine revolution in Judaism–to making it humane, allowing Jews to understand their own past, thereby re-educating themselves out of its tyranny–  lies through an unrelenting critique of the Jewish religion.” p. 74


  • Pingback: See What the Talmud and Cabala Really Teach and How much they Hate anyone not like them! – Life, Death and all between

  • In an October 2021 issue of Haaretz online they featured an article about Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro speaking in Jer-usa-lem. So, they must have bin allowed in the country ..prob withou a jab. That same article featured a story on how some “Zionst -supporting” evangelicals were kicked out if the country 4 possibly preaching in the Galilee about YESHUA/JESUS. Their “social media” hinted that they were sharing the gospel! Now, who is the real enemy here? The SAVIOR said it HIMSELF

    • Something very few think about now that you brought up jabbed. How many links do people link to that , for one; said the vaccines not the mark, and two; you “KNOW” TOOK THE MARK, BECAUSE AS JONMY POINTED OUT THEY STOP UNVAXED WITH FAKE VAX PASSPORTS, AT AIRPORTS AND HOLD THEM TILL THEY TAKE IT. SO REMEMBER THAT WHEN PEOPLE LIKE monkeywerx, I like his flight radar updates “but” after 2weeks in ISREAL , we now know he’s vaxed. Paul Begley, I don’t have enough room to show all he has against him, Mike from around the world, Steven benun in said it’s not the mark, and the list goes on and on. So if we know it’s the mark yet most take advice from others that are sold out to Satan. Another thing the Holy Spirit keeps showing me, the last couple weeks WHY ARE MOST OF THE OLD TIME NEWS OUT OF THE BLUE THEY ALL SHOUT OUT EACH OTHER AND CHANGED TO AN ALMOST PAID OPPOSITION TYPE NEWS? I LIKE SMALLER SITES BECAUSE I FEEL YOUR NOT BIG ENOUGH TO FOR TPTB TO FORCE YOU TO SAY ONLY… I TRUST GOD AND HIS HOLY SPIRIT AND HE KEEPS SHOWING ME THIS , LIKE HES WARNING ME. I DONT KNOW BUT THANKS JONNY

      • Yes Shawn most are sold out or controlled and it’s hard to know who to trust and 90% or more are saying it’s not the mark. It reminds of “Because strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” Matt 7:14

      • Yes, if they r traveling, 4 the most part, they r bitten. At least internationally. Now, whether they got the real thing or a placebo, we don’t know. At least yet. My whole fam took it, but as of now…not sick or dying. Yet. Personality changes, absolutely. One thing that almost constantly gets deleted is something from the T@lmood. That a “righteous” j____ must keep a distance of 4q-bits from an x-communicated or cut off person. What is that in “feet”? U guessed it ..6 feet. It is not just the _____s.It is all “mystery b@b¥lon ” folks ..which includes RC church..the M0rmons, all the “Eastern” religions…etc. They all have the same belief system at the core…”$un”worship…which is £ucy-fer. Just use different names

  • Excellent Explanation brother 💯

  • Here’s a mind-blowing aspect that many people conveniently ignore.

    If what you say is true Johnny, then that means that the 1948 State of Israel was NOT the fulfillment of prophecy. Rather, it was a conterfeit. That means that the scattered Tribes have NOT yet been re-gathered by the Lord.

    So, in these End Times, not only are we seeing New Testament scripture fulfilled…but we might also see Old Testament scripture supernaturally fulfilled. I think the world will be shocked when this happens.

    • This is true. The scattered tribes r still scattered. GOD does not need the “Red Shields” 2 gather the descendants of Jakob to HIS LAND. HE gives that land 2whomever HE wants. The 144,000 from the 12 tribes are part of that scattering b’cos how else is the gospel 2Be preached 2 all the world B4 the end comes? The internet? Yes…but when it is censered (as is happening right now) and scripture being changed by quantum DWave computing and A…Eye… Who will share the truth 2 the ends of the earth? Y do u think they have bin doing all the “testing”?
      2 find them. They R the arch enemies of the a.c. and the adversary. The “rebirth” is a counterfeit…why else does it say in Isaiah “Can a land be born in a day”? That is a question….not a prophecy that “they” have fulfilled. The ones there are Not the genetic descendants….and they “know” that. Which is Y the J____ Agency o ly accepts a letter from an “orthodox” rabbi to verify “J_____” heritage. Not D..n..a . Results. They dont want the true genetic offspring, unless they renounce JESUS and “convert”.

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