Will 2024 be the Year of Sudden Deaths Predicted by Many?

We are about to find out. Now lets hear from some of the experts and a whistleblower from a previous mRNA drug trial in 2013. It’s not good and people need to STEEL THEMSELVES SPRITUALLY FOR WHAT IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN THIS YEAR! All of this sudden death will be blamed on a new virus of course, probably this JN.1 or something like it. PRAYED UP AND PREPPED UP, things are about to get deep now!

2013 mRNA Drug Trial

Two Witnesses of Revelation Website

The Great Delusion, How the World Was Deceived into taking the Mark of the Beast PDF

Rumble Video Link

Bitchute Video Link

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  • Thanks for all the truth you post my dear brother…. So few are even aware of this….please Johnny… Pray for me as I’m experiencing diviturculitis attacks and the doctor wants to operate.. I refuse as I will not take ANY vaccines…I firmly believe it’s in all the vaccines now… Even the ones from the dentist… 🙏

    • I prayed for you as soon as I saw this. Those are painful 😓 as my wife and I have both experienced them. I’m praying for your complete healing in Jesus name. And yes all of the vaccines have gone to the mRNA platform and a new one with an S in it that’s even worse.

      • Thank you so much brother… I’m getting so concerned… I need all the prayers I can get🙏

    • Held you up Before the Throne room 😆💪

  • Morning Johnny!
    2024 will be the official start of it all. This period of intermittent normalization we’re in is beginning to drive me nuts. The pretending that everything is back to “normal” and the acceptance of everything around us, is merely a continuation of mass formation psychosis. The notion and comfort level people have of “Ill never fall for another COVID again” is very unimaginative thinking.
    We are about to get our world rocked by not one, or two, or three…but several disasters all in sequence. Total shock and awe confusion and fear.
    Everyone like us needs to start researching and understanding the power of frequency technology. With one piece of DNA 🧬 simple technology through an RF transmitter can interact with the specific person and affect their health on an individualized level. (See Rife technology) this can be used for good and evil. Between this technology and graphene-based lipid nano particle injections, a multi-tiered payload was delivered like a Trojan horse to the body’s ACE2 receptors. The human heart being one important landing spot. In conjunction with this is BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy), which is used for identification purposes (visible for thousands of feet away in certain environments). AI will be able to identify a vaxxed person through BLE, their DNA profile on file via COVID test will be accessed, and an individualized attack or manipulation can occur. All without human intervention. An attack can also be carried out on a larger scale through a keyed frequency signal to change the electrical bond of the graphene payload encasement. Cue the deadliest “pandemic” the world has ever seen. Completely initiated and controlled by technology and 5G.

    Also, this year, likely 1 to 2 black swan attacks against the US, perpetrated by the cabal/Mossad will galvanize the American people against Iran once they are labeled the global boogie man. War Hawks have been saving Iran for the final cherry 🍒 on top for decades. It was always a part of the the plan to save them for last and foment a Third World War against Islam. This war and rumors or war will give rise to the final act. Project Blue Beam.

  • dontspeaknews @Johnny
    Please watch this video on Rumble…this could be one of the reasons…they found frequencies in the ‘film’

    The FATHER led me to a free viewing of ‘Leave the World Behind’…not to watch for entertainment but for clues and messaging between ‘tptb’.

    Let me first mention this…that FATHER gave me a dream many years ago about a celestial system with 7=9 planets which looked similar to the solar system model they show up. But the celestial bodies were closer together and the bodies were SO HUGE they were right on top of the earth. ..closer than the largest harvest full moon. Obama was in the dream ..and just a note-I was praying to ‘JESUS’ and Obama wanted to pray to ‘Santa’ – ‘Satan’. (Interesting that he just did the story book reading ‘Santa has to go’ this season.)

    Also, a couple years ago I had a client whose ex-husband works and stays in Safford, Arizona at Mt Graham Observatory – The Lucifer 1 & 2 telescopes.

    FATHER has had me WATCHING for this timing. He told me it was soon here 2 years ago…and I believe it is SO CLOSE…even at the door! As we can see the effects of it with storms, EQ, volcanic activity increasing, Northern Lights, ..now the waves on the West Coast. Just all ramping up. (‘The Storm’ Trump warned us about -?)

    I rewatched parts of this film and was praying for Father to show me what the film was REALLY ABOUT.

    What is it about – Answer – A signaling to those to head to their bunkers (Interesting about Mark Zuckerburg and his bunker in the news a lot lately.)


    I noticed that there are 2 red planets in many of the ‘space shots’ under the satellite, there is a shot of the flag on the moon in the fore front and the earth in a distance with the sun shining behind the earth and red planets below the earth, so it was not the sun or the moon.

    Also, in the beginning when driving to ‘Exit 76 Point Comfort’ the girl was looking up in the sky ..there was a rainbow-like ‘planet’ and again when Julia Roberts character was on the cellphone looking up in the sky i was shown again. (Similar to one of the celestial bodies seen on Final Days YT Channel)

    Another thing (as being an interior designer, I pay attention to decor) FATHER pointed out the blue of the bedroom in the intro of the movie and then the 2 yellow lamps. Colors of Walmart logo.

    FATHER told me to look up the WM Logo.

    Walmart Logo – Walmart is known for their underground tunnels.

    And the tunnel borers with that ‘star/spark’ like shape on the front of them.

    Then in the movie while on watching in slow motion I saw the Julia Roberts character wearing a sweater with the inverted ‘WM Spark’ logo with a cross in the middle on her left shoulder…

    MIND BLOWN—FATHER showed me in the WM logos! As of April 2023, WM updated a logo for members …with a + in the center of the spark. The same as on the shoulder of her sweater…only inverted.

    MEANING – Plan -et ‘x’ – ‘the crossing’ warning…seek ‘HIGHER GROUND’ productions.

    Also, Twitter changing to ‘X’ and then having the Tesla cars auto driving on the highway crashing into each other. ALL SYMBOLS of it coming.

    IT IS A WARNING IT IS COMING…those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

    I have more but that is mind blowing I couldn’t have found those things myself I have watched a couple other breakdowns of the movie. But have not heard any of this information. ALL PRAISE & GLORY to YEHOVAH for HE IS WARNING IT IS COMING! 🎺🎺🚨🚨🎺🎺

    I am sounding the alarm, but most don’t get it and just can’t get past the cognitive descendance –they literally are like the girl in the movie just obsessed with finding the final episode of ‘Friends’ because she just wants to be ‘happy’.

    I cry for man..so hypnotized and entertained as the world is literally crashing down around them.

    I pray eyes are opened and hearts convicted.

    • People on your site, Johnny, have their EYES OPEN! This makes my heart so happy.

      No doubt the Vatican-owned observatory in Safford, AZ is carrying out a malevolent task. Likely tracking “Wormwood” aka Planet X. Every religion talks of a flood, a global deluge.

      Leave the World Behind just might be one of the most cryptic and telling movies of our time. Bravo Illuminati! I too watched this for the signs and symbols. I get goosebumps just thinking about it. Here’s what I gathered in the subtext:

      A planetary upheaval is upon us. During the birthing pains of the earth, the power elite representing the Satan consciousness will make their moves to acquire (not steal) as many souls as possible before the Shift during the turmoil. There will be a blame placed on other nations and “climate change” for the communications failures and planetary upheaval. This will justify wars and climate/health emergencies. Martial Law and UN/WHO global governance.

      This is a cyclical celestial pattern, and the elite know it. But, this one is different. I feel they recently (last 10-20yrs) began to figure this out. This will be the “Last One”.

      Upheaval on a scale impossible to escape. No matter the scale and depth of the bunker. The Elite finally understand this and truly don’t know what lies next for them either.

      This will be a universal effort with all hands on desk. Christ consciousness will embody those who vibrate along with it and demonic consciousness will embody those who succumb to fear and hate. Those who value their human life more than their spirit will be most vulnerable.

  • Truth Well Spoken brother 💯
    Soldier 🪖 On 💪 Brother 💯
    Love and Prayers always ❤️🙏
    Proverbs 3: 4-6
    Still Works 💪

  • Getting rid of everyone who knows History and the Bible brother 💯
    Keep up the Great work 💪 Soldier 🪖 On

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