MANKIND IS PLAYING GOD Once Again as Scientists Make Synthetic self-Replicating Cells

BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE! To go along with the synthetic cells we will also talk about the Quantum Dot tattoo vaccine delivery and identification systems that are coming soon! These will make you a human antennae with your data ready to be scanned by the authorities who have the right smartphone and app. Then we will cover the head scientist at Moderna admitting to the world that yes, these vaccines are an OPERATING SYSTEM, designed to reprogram your cells to do their bidding, whatever that may be!

All of that and more is in todays video report along with my source links below. God bless and please share this with everyone you know.

Don’t Take The Jab!

Moderna Playing God

Anthony Patch File

Self Replicating Cells

This is the same type of stuff the Watchers were playing around with, God’s creation. It is also one of the biggest reasons the flood had to happen because mankind and creation itself had become so corrupt with manipulated DNA. The scientists of today are doing the same things with fallen angel technology. Things are moving very fast now, stay ready!


  • When I see these reports & news stories, it makes me very sad. Man has no business messing with God’s creation. Most people will read this and think it’s cool. It is evil! There is a total lack of conscience in people. We’ve been conditioned from years of being politically correct. It’s not good to talk about right from wrong or morals because you can hurt someone’s feelings. I don’t care about their feelings anymore. This is wrong! This multi-gender society is evil! The bible is the word of God and it clearly outlines how we should live our lives on God’s earth. Everything belongs to God. He created all and He said He would allow this evil to happen. The only mark I care about is having the Seal of God on my forehead. Woe to the rest! Repent! I know I am pretty much preaching to the choir here but I needed to vent. God bless you Johnny and your loved ones 💕🙏 Thank you for your work. Especially your work on the fallen & giants.

    • People have been messing with God’s creation by transgendering their children in vitro.

      • Yes! God is slow to anger but He must be getting at the end of His rope with all of this. He is giving warnings and waiting for people to repent! God is so good🙏❤ Blessings sister💕🙏

  • I’m glad to see you know about Anthony Patch. 🙂

  • Anthony Patch & his lovely wife Kathleen have been teaching on this Quantum dot, the V and many things for a long time & said this was coming, I sure didn’t think it’d be this year. I just can’t get my family to believe me…. Thank you so much & God bless you & yours

  • Thanks man, I really have tried my hardest to convince the people in my life( Christian and others) to avoid the vax at all cost. Sent link after link and so far I have convinced one person who is shaky at best. Pray for me to be more effective. I am praying for you as well

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