What a Journey it has Been! Long Term Goal Achieved!

Today has been quite a trip all by itself as well! I had to have some bloodwork done for my annual physical and some other issues I’ve had going on and to my surprise I had achieved my weight loss goal! I knew I was getting close and today it all hit me, I FINALLY MADE IT!

First let me show you the before pic and it’s terrible. This was taken in July 2014 and standing next to me is Pastor Chuck Baldwin from Liberty Fellowship in Montana (when I had “the Johnny Storm Show podcast). This was right before my wife and I made the final move to MT in October 2014. I didn’t know it yet but I was about to be sicker than I’d ever been in my life in a few months. At this point I weighed in at a hefty 325!!!

This is me today at 225lbs! 100lbs gone! That’s like almost an entire person! While things aren’t perfect I sure feel WAY BETTER than I did back then!

After defeating type 2 diabetes, losing 100lbs, defeating colon cancer last year, “covid” aka nanotech poisoning in 2020, I can definitely say “by the grace of God go I”. I WOULD NOT BE HERE TODAY if Jesus hadn’t chosen me, picked me up off the ground, cleaned me up and got me back on track. Don’t EVER GIVE UP! YOU CAN do all things through Christ who will strengthen you if you give Him the chance! Obviously I had to repent of my bad diet/lifestyle and I ditched it all very fast!

I’m not saying any of it has been easy, not a chance but it has all been worth it! I wouldn’t trade any of the brutal rough times I’ve been through because it’s made me so much stronger and ready and able to deal with what we have going on today!

I also have to thank my wife Lisa without whom I don’t know if I would’ve made it through all of this mess. I love you dearly babe!

Stay ready, stay PRAYED UP AND PREPPED UP because I do believe our time is very short! God bless and stay ready!

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  • Congratulations Johnny❤️

  • We (husband and me) are being called in our hearts and mind to change our diet urgently!.
    We know what is bad for our health!; but we fall over and over again on to pleasing our flesh 😔, and hurting ourselves.
    Your testimony is one more confirmation brother Johnny!.
    Thank you so much!
    May God keep pouring blessings over your life and your wife.
    Lili and Derrick.

    • It’s not easy at all and it’s taken me 7 years to get here. Don’t be too hard on yourselves. That’s one mistake I made at times. The power of life and death are in the tongue so watch the words you speak over it as well. We can give things power over us by what we think and then speak. If you fall down one day just repent and get even more determined. I let my frustration fuel me and I’d say “I’m sick of it and I’m going to do this instead!” Or something to that effect. God bless you both on your journey!

      • Thank you so much for your advice brother!.
        I have diabetes 2, and I know it can be reversed with good diet and our Lord help.
        We will get better, so we don’t depend on “pills”, just on our Lord Jesus Christ.
        Thank you!

  • Absolutely amazing! Great job Johnny to God be the Glory!!!

  • Good job Johnny!!! You da man,
    Looking good, keep up the good work. We will be home soon!!

  • You look like a million bucks, Mister! Congrats on overcoming everything! I’m feeling soooo down with this big, bad world and I’ll be happy to see you soon when we are back home with Jesus, leaving all this madness behind.

  • We overcome satan by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.
    That my friend is a wonderful testimony indeed!
    Much Agape brother…

  • The power of prayer at work, thank you God! Now, we need prayers of strength to endure to the end.

  • Well done Johnny, 👍👍👍 from Port Elizabeth, South Africa. PS: Love your site., great info.

  • Very proud of you. You are smart and strong. Thankyou for all you do. Stay healtht. I love listening to you.

  • Wow, congratulations! That takes a lot of dedication & hard work for certain. I can’t even drop 10 lbs 🫣 and may I ask with tons of excitement?! Are you so blessed to be able to attend Pastor Baldwins church?? I just love him and have learned so much since finding him! Best to you!

  • praise JESUS i too just went thru the same and after 55 days of fasting from bread pasta sugar and grains and meat i am doing well and never had to really start with diabetes meds.. which i tried for a couple days but gave me nasty stomach and headaches… i am 67

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