"That could never happen here"

Keeping You Safe

They said it couldn’t happen here. The comments lit up when myself and other podcasters said the measures used in Wuhan would be used here in the USA at some point. China is always the testing ground to see how effective the tactics are, then the rest of the world adapts the ones that work. In this case drones are going to be deployed in California to keep people in their homes during this “self quarantine” or whatever you want to call it. It’s just PC speech for martial law.

More from Zerohedge:

In the months since the COViD-19 pandemic began, governments around the world have been utilizing a wide range of technological devices to enforce quarantines. Advanced surveillance and tracking have been made possible by cellphone data, CCTV cameras, and drones.

Surveillance drones were used during the lockdown in China to monitor neighborhoods to ensure that residents were staying indoors. Drones were also used to spray disinfectants during the outbreak as well.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has urged additional governments to use similar tactics to enforce quarantines. Police in Spain have been using drones to patrol the streets and order citizens to stay home during the lockdown.

Most Americans doubted that these types of measures would happen at home, but police in California have already announced a plan to use drones equipped with cameras and loudspeakers to enforce the recently imposed quarantine orders.

In Chula Vista, a town just outside of San Diego, police purchased at least two drones from the Chinese company DJI for $11,000 each.

Vern Sallee, one of the city’s police captains, told the Financial Times that the drones could be used to “disperse crowds” without the need for a human officer to be involved.

“We have not traditionally mounted speakers to our drones, but . . . if we need to cover a large area to get an announcement out, or if there were a crowd somewhere that we needed to disperse – we could do it without getting police officers involved,” Sallee said.

“The outbreak has changed my view of expanding the program as rapidly as I can,” he added.

Sallee also suggested that the drones could be used to give homeless people updates or orders about the pandemic, since many of them may not have access to the Internet and may be unaware of the current situation.

“We need to tell them we actually have resources for them—they are vulnerable right now. It might be impractical or unsafe for our officers to be put into those areas,” Sallee said.

Spencer Gore, chief executive of Impossible Aerospace, a California-based maker of high-performance drones used by first responders, admitted that the idea “seems a little Orwellian,” but insisted that it could “save lives.”

“What we saw in China, and what we’re probably going to see around the world, is using drones with cameras and loudspeakers to fly around to see if people are gathering where they shouldn’t be, and telling them to go home,” Gore said.

I can see it coming. People are going to accept these things as the “new normal” and we need them to “keep us safe” from imaginary enemies that the state makes up. It feels very surreal. The American people are cheering on their own enslavement.


  • It won’t be long before they deploy those multiple THOUSANDS of A.I. enhanced UAV’s the US military has purchased over the last 15 years for use in Iraq and Afghanistan.
    these are just the ones they admit to having
    7,362 RQ-11 Ravens
    990 AeroVironment Wasp IIIs
    306 RQ-16 T-Hawk
    then the big boys that can be armed..
    246 MQ-1 Predators and MQ-1C Gray Eagles
    126 MQ-9 Reapers
    491 RQ-7 Shadows
    33 RQ-4 Global Hawk

  • Thanks Johnny!

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