Turkey and Syria Exchanging Blows in Idlib

Turkey and Syria have been exchanging blows in the province of Idlib as the Syrian Arab Army continues to take back its territory from the terrorists. SAA artillery and air strikes have killed at least 5 Turkish troops who were advising and resupplying their terrorist proxy forces. In response Turkey has shot down a Syrian Army helicopter. Turkey’s President Erdogan has vowed to shoot down any Syrian aircraft in the province of Idlib. Funny as it’s Syrian territory but that’s never bothered Erdogan before.

Below is a video from Israeli News Live that covers the latest news in the ongoing war in Syria.

Also there’s rumors of war on the arctic front as NATO and the USA prepare to launch “Cold Response 2020” as a supposed deterrent to Russia so they won’t attack Norway. Right. Here is that story.

Instead of “got milk?” do you “have Jesus”? We have pestilences (viruses) raging around the world, wars/rumors of wars, earthquakes off the scale, wildfires raging, storms that are record setting, crop failures, locust plagues and more! Ask Jesus to be your lord and savior today before it’s too late!

God bless,


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