Time is Very Short

Tick Tock

Time is very short. That was the theme the Holy Spirit wanted me to get out to the world this morning. I pray this message reaches those who it’s meant to reach in Jesus name!

In case you weren’t paying attention, we are in the end times. Everything Jesus told us to look for in Matthew 24 is here and taking place right now. These are the “birth pangs” of the tribulation and it will only get worse from here. The world is shaping up for some major regional wars that can and will quickly escalate into a world war. The evil ones running the show (along with Satan) need to kill a lot of us if they want to get to their 500 million worldwide population goals. War takes care of that in many different ways besides just bombs and guns. War zones are full of disease and starvation and that kills more people in the long run than their fancy weapons systems. Time is very short.

Last weekend (it’s 12-30-19) the USA started bombing Hezbollah militias in Iraq as they’ve been accused of shooting rockets at US bases there. This was followed by more rockets and promises of future attacks on US troops and facilities in Iraq. This is one of those regional issues I was talking about above. This could escalate very quickly to engulf the entire region in war. In addition to this hot spot we could name Ukraine, South China Sea, Black Sea, the arctic and let’s not forget about the ongoing tensions in Kashmir between India and Pakistan. Time is very short.

Then there are the earthquakes going on in the ring of fire and other places around the planet. One that is very concerning in the US is the Cascadia Subduction Zone. That area is overdue for a big one (9.0 or greater) and scientists say it could wipe out everything west of Interstate 5. One comparison I’m seeing used is the 2004 Indian Ocean (M9.3) earthquake and tsunami that killed over 200,000 in 14 countries. The subduction zones in the 2 places are eerily similar in size and shape and the results would be just as deadly in the Cascadia Subduction Zone as it was in the Indian Ocean, maybe worse. You can read more about those comparisons HERE. Time is very short.

Last but not least are the superbugs. I see at least 2-3 articles per month about this subject and it’s only getting worse. The sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are also off the charts as many articles like THIS show us. Jesus talked about pestilences in Matthew 24:7 along with famine and earthquakes. Obviously, He felt the need to include pestilences in that verse which tells us we should be paying attention. Just google superbugs and STDs being off the charts and you will find all of the evidence you need. Time is very short.

In conclusion I have to agree time is very short indeed. I’ve never experienced such intense spiritual attacks in my lifetime. Typing out this blog post or doing a 5-minute video has never been harder as I’m up against such resistance in the spiritual realm. It manifests itself into anxiety attacks, insomnia or just being really crabby and not knowing why. Those are spiritual attacks that we can’t see but we can definitely feel. The Holy Spirit has shown me I need to really dig into the word now more than ever before in order to be able to fight off these attacks. Faith comes by hearing and I will also be listening to the word while working. I used to be slack in my studies but that’s not the case anymore.

If you’re experiencing more difficulty and darkness in life today you are not alone. The times are growing darker and we need to press into Jesus now more than ever before. Seek Him now while you can still find Him. Find your favorite power scriptures that inspire you and write or print them out! Put them in places where you’ll see them daily and remind yourself that Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords!



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